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Privacy Policy

Phelangpharmacy is committed to maintaining the privacy of the information you share with us. We will not sell, distribute, or rent information about you and your purchases to a third party. We will use the information you share only for the purposes of improving your use of our web site, and/or, with your permission, sending you information about our products and services.

Collection of Information

Phelangpharmacy does not collect or store any information other than that that is entered into the various form on our website. This information is used purely for attending to your request and to provide you with a prompt and complete response.

Email message

When you submit permission by subscribing through our newsletter desk, we will send email messages to let you know about changes at our website, new releases, promotional offers and special discounts on products and services.

With every email newsletter, customers are provided an option to remove themselves from receiving future emails.